Last Update:
February 13, 2024
Side Nerd Apps Pioneer

Ither: Volunteer and Donation Tracking

With Ither, there is no app, no username, no password, no cost; just a contact in your phone that you text when you volunteer. Ither is a free app for individuals, and we have a paid solution for organizations that would like to receive reports of their volunteers' activity.

Ither For individuals

Our founder, an ardent volunteer and advocate for community service, discovered the need for a convenient and efficient way to track and manage her volunteering activities. The existing platforms, while functional, lacked the simplicity and convenience required for busy volunteers to log their activities in real time. Volunteers of any age can use Ither to track and communicate their impact.

Ither For Organizations

Ither is a free app for individuals, and if organizations would like to use it to track their volunteers' activity, we have two paid solutions for that.

If you are a volunteer engagement manager with simple tracking needs in search of a lightweight solution, you can onboard your whole team to Ither in just a couple hours.

If you have more complex needs, like scheduling and onboarding your volunteers, we offer an integrated version of Ither, giving you all the features of the Get Connected Sustain Volunteer Management System alongside the simplicity and personalization of Ither.

Either way, you'll:

1) Schedule a conversation so I can learn about your organization.

2) You'll share a list of your volunteers' phone numbers and any other key information about them that you would like represented in your database.

3) We'll schedule a meeting to develop an onboarding plan for your team. We provide printable resources, welcome videos, QR codes, intro text messages, and custom contact cards, depending on your needs.

4) We'll have a 2 week check in, review the custom data views I've created for your organization (Google Sheets works great!), and you'll provide feedback. All your tracking for organizational reporting and grant applications is done, and always up to date.

"I'm very appreciative of your help, time, and flexibility, so thank you very much. I'm excited to see it once we get everyone on" - Dr. Dave Peterseim, Non-Profit Clinic Director

Read Case Study

Ither custom tracking solutions For Organizations

We can also build custom solutions for unique volunteer tracking use cases. We are currently in the process of running a trial with Piedmont Court Appointed Special Advocates. CASA volunteers need to track specific information related to their cases and  have easy access to use those records as notes, so we built a custom solution for just that. So far, Ither for CASA users log an average of two activities and 2.5 hours of volunteer work each week.

"I am LOVING THIS WAY OF TRACKING!!! I think this will be the first time I’ve ever gotten my tracker submitted on time! And it was so easy to use October’s report when preparing my recent court report."

- Debbie, Piedmont CASA Volunteer

Current volunteer tracking system frustrating, archaic, or non-existent? Reach out, or put me in touch with your volunteer leader!